Zambofrigo Srl is present in the furnishing and refrigeration business ever since 1986, supplying tradizional shops and big distribution supermarkets (GDO).
We offer our customers, global advice throughout all designing stages:
- lay-out development and conceiving;
- state of the art plant installation ;
- organized working stages;
- qualified assistance advance and after sales ;
- programmed maintenance tele management.
Customer satisfaction is our main aim. To reach this, we invest in research, innovation, personnel formation and technology and therefore, are able to propose technical and aesthetic solutions apt to reach maximum customer satisfaction.
Continuous cooperation takes place with main leader companies dealing in this field.
We offer personalized services bringing forth key point check ups during working phases guaranteeing maximum finished product reliability.
Our strong points are professionality, flexibility and quick deliveries.
This type of philosophy has allowed us to grow and to capture a leadership position in our field.
Zambofrigo srl
Sede: Via Brunacci, 14/A
30175 Marghera (VE)
P.I. e C.F. 02154180273
REA VE 199449
Cap. Soc. i.v. € 30.000,00
